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  • Hydroxyethyl cellulose
  • Hydroxyethyl cellulose
Hydroxyethyl celluloseHydroxyethyl cellulose

Hydroxyethyl cellulose

  • Product Item : HEC
  • Category: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose
  • White powder
  • free flowing
  • Product description:Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) is a white or light yellow, odorless, non-toxic fibrous or powdery solid, prepared by etherification of basic cellulose and ethylene oxide (or chloroethanol) Non-ionic sol
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Application field

Used as adhesive, surfactant, colloidal protective agent, dispersant, emulsifier and dispersion stabilizer. It has a wide range of applications in the fields of coatings, inks, fibers, dyeing, papermaking, cosmetics, pesticides, mineral processing, oil extraction, and medicine.
1. It is generally used as a thickening agent, protective agent, adhesive, stabilizer, and an additive for preparing emulsions, jellies, ointments, lotions, eye cleansers, suppositories, and tablets. Materials, preparation of matrix-type sustained-release preparations, can also be used as stabilizers in food.
2. Used as sizing agent in textile industry, adhesive, thickening, emulsifying, stabilizing and other additives for electronics and light industry departments.
3. It is used as a thickening agent and fluid loss agent for water-based drilling fluid and completion fluid, and has obvious thickening effect in brine drilling fluid. It can also be used as a fluid loss additive for oil well cement. It can be cross-linked with multivalent metal ions to form a gel.
4. This product is used in the fracturing method of petroleum water-based gel fracturing fluid, polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride and other polymeric dispersants. It can also be used as latex thickener in paint industry, humidity resistance in electronics industry, cement coagulant and water retention agent in construction industry. Glazing and toothpaste adhesives for the ceramic industry. It is also widely used in printing and dyeing, textile, papermaking, medicine, hygiene, food, cigarettes, pesticides and fire extinguishing agents.
5. Used as surfactant, colloid protective agent, emulsion stabilizer such as vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate, etc., and thickener, dispersant, dispersion stabilizer of latex, etc. Widely used in coatings, fibers, dyeing, papermaking, cosmetics, medicine, pesticides, etc. There are also many uses in the oil mining and machinery industries.
6. Hydroxyethyl cellulose has surface active, thickening, suspending, binding, emulsifying, film-forming, dispersing, water-retaining and protecting functions in solid and liquid pharmaceutical preparations.
7. Used as a dispersant for the exploitation of petroleum water-based gel fracturing fluid, polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene. It can also be used as a latex thickening agent in the paint industry, cement inhibitor and water retention agent in the construction industry, glazing agent and toothpaste adhesive in the ceramic industry. It is also widely used in industrial fields such as printing and dyeing, textile, papermaking, medicine, hygiene, food, cigarettes and pesticides.

Product performance
1. HEC is soluble in hot or cold water, and does not precipitate at high temperature or boiling, making it have a wide range of solubility and viscosity characteristics, and non-thermal gelation;
2. The non-ionic itself can coexist with other water-soluble polymers, surfactants and salts in a wide range, and is an excellent colloidal thickener containing a high-concentration dielectric solution;
3. The water retention capacity is twice as high as that of methyl cellulose, and it has good flow regulation;
4. The dispersing ability of HEC is the worst when compared with the recognized methyl cellulose and hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, but the strongest protective colloid ability.

Join directly in production
1. Add purified water to a vat equipped with a high-shear mixer.
2. Start stirring at a low speed and slowly sieve the hydroxyethyl cellulose evenly into the solution.
3. Continue stirring until all particles are wet.
4. Then add mold inhibitors, alkaline additives such as pigments, dispersion aids, ammonia.
5. Stir until all the hydroxyethyl cellulose is completely dissolved (the viscosity of the solution increases significantly) before adding the other ingredients in the formula and grinding until the finished product.
Equipped with mother liquor
This method is to prepare the mother liquor with higher concentration before adding it to the latex paint. The advantage of this method is that it has greater flexibility and can be added directly to the finished paint, but it should be stored appropriately. The steps are similar to Part 1-4 in Method 1, but the difference is that it does not require high mixing until it is completely dissolved into a viscous solution.
Serve with porridge
Since organic solvents are poor solvents for hydroxyethyl cellulose, these organic solvents can be used to prepare porridge. The most commonly used organic solvents are organic liquids in paint formulations such as ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and film-forming agents (such as ethylene glycol or diethylene glycol butyl acetate). Ice water is also a poor solvent, so ice water is often used with organic liquids to prepare porridge. The hydroxyethyl cellulose of the congee can be directly added to the paint, and the hydroxyethyl cellulose has been swelled up in the congee. When added to the paint, it will immediately dissolve and play a thickening role. After the addition, stirring must be continued until the hydroxyethyl cellulose is completely dissolved and uniform. Generally, porridge is mixed with six parts of organic solvent or ice water and one part of hydroxyethyl cellulose. After about 6-30 minutes, the hydroxyethyl cellulose will be hydrolyzed and obviously swell. In summer, the water temperature is generally too high, so it is not appropriate to use porridge.

Use attention
Since the surface-treated hydroxyethyl cellulose is powder or cellulose solid, as long as the following matters are noted, it is easy to handle and dissolve it in dissolved water.
1. Before and after adding hydroxyethyl cellulose, it must be continuously stirred until the solution is completely transparent and clear.
2. It must be sieved into the mixing tank slowly. Do not add hydroxyethyl cellulose that has been agglomerated and spherical into the mixing tank in bulk or directly.
3. The temperature of the water and the PH value of the water have a clear relationship with the dissolution of hydroxyethyl cellulose, and special attention must be paid.
4. Never add some alkaline substances to the mixture before the hydroxyethyl cellulose powder is penetrated by water. It is helpful to dissolve after increasing the PH value after immersion.
5. Add mold inhibitor as early as possible.
6. When using high-viscosity hydroxyethyl cellulose, the concentration of the mother liquor should not be higher than 2.5-3%, otherwise the mother liquor is difficult to handle. After-treatment of hydroxyethyl cellulose, it is generally not easy to form lumps or spheres, nor will it form insoluble spherical colloids after adding water.
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