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Hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose

  • Product Item : MHEC
  • Category: Hydroxyethyl Methyl Cellulose
  • Product description:Functions and applications: 1. In pharmaceuticals, as a hydrophilic gel matrix material for the preparation of sustained-release preparations, porogen and coating agent. It can also be used as a th
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Functions and applications:

1. In pharmaceuticals, as a hydrophilic gel matrix material for the preparation of sustained-release preparations, porogen and coating agent. It can also be used as a thickening, suspending, dispersing, binding, emulsifying, film-forming, and water-retaining agent.
2. It can also be used in food processing, bonding, emulsification, film formation, thickening, suspending, dispersing, water retention agent, etc.
3. In the daily chemical industry, it is used as an additive for toothpaste, cosmetics, detergents, etc.
4. Used as a cement, gypsum, lime gelling agent, water retention agent, is an excellent admixture for powder building materials.
5. Hypromellose is widely used as an excipient for pharmaceutical preparations, including oral tablets, suspensions, and topical preparations.
Its properties are similar to that of methyl cellulose, but the presence of hydroxyethyl makes hydroxyethyl cellulose more soluble in water, the solution is more compatible with salts, and has a higher aggregation temperature.



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